The Darkest Plight

I was frightened,
I was terrified,
I felt frozen
Until I reached the darkest destination.

It was nerve-racking,
My heart skipped beats
And my brain couldn’t think
Until I made the darkest trepidation

It was blurry,
My eyes were bleeding
And I couldn’t see
Until I faced the darkest situation

It was choking,
My lungs couldn’t soak in air
And I couldn’t breath
Until I witnessed the darkest fear

I lied down,
I tried to sleep
To get some peace
And I couldn’t find any tranquillity
Until I experienced the darkest anxiety

I got up,
I tried to stand
But my legs hurt
Like they have been cut
Until I sensed the darkest distress

But since the storm has passed
And there's been given another chance
I know things drift apart in pieces,
Only to fall in place.
Circumstances seem stiff,
Only to end in grace
And nights seem tenebrous,
Only until shiny days.


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